
Make It More Than a Just a Distraction

Students, young or old, are now always attached to their smart phones. It is actually now an extension of them. However, as most parents already know, these phones sometimes prove to be a major distractions for students. Distractions ranging from games to social media...

Practice Makes Excellent!

  If you want to get better in math, then you’ve got to keep one thing in mind: practice makes excellent. Aside from absorbing information, one of the best characteristics of the human mind is that it can be trained to retain information. Sometimes, it’s not...

Tutorial Packages Suit Children’s Varying Needs

In this day and age of two-income families, parents no longer have the time and energy to sit down with their children after a hard day at the office to tutor them. It doesn’t mean they love their children less. After all, they’re working hard to send...

12 Reminders to UPCAT Takers

Philippine Daily Inquirer First Posted 07:50:00 07/28/2008 Inquirer Headlines / Learning LINK:  On Aug. 2-3, around 70,000 students will take the University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT). Of the country’s premier universities that include Ateneo de...

A Successful Tutorial Service

Source: Good Housekeeping ROSSANA LLENADO, 35, RUNS A SUCCESSFUL TUTORIAL SERVICE AHEAD LEARNING SYSTEMS Why she went into business: Faced with a growing family, Rossana wanted to start a business that she could run from her home. At the time, she was doing very well...