For our College Entrance Test Review Program
We are now accepting enrollees for our 2024 UP, Ateneo, De La Salle College and UST Entrance Test Reviews.

You can go to our official CET website to pay using credit card or Paypal. To get started, simply click Enroll Now. Proceed to

Fill out the Enrollment Form here.

Review the Terms and Conditions before continuing on with the payment.

Choose a review schedule and take note of the rates. For more information of the rates, email

To get our Unionbank details, please email or our Facebook page to ask for assistance.

Send the following info through Facebook messenger or email:
– Student’s full name
– Landline and/or mobile number
– School
– Bank and Branch where the deposit was made (only for physical deposits)
– Chosen review schedule and package

For physical deposits, mail scanned deposit slip to (Subject: Enrollment for [type of review])

For online bank transfer, please upload the screenshot to the enrollment form.
We will send you an acknowledgement email to confirm that we have received the enrollment requirements.