
   College entrance exams are one of the most challenging pivotal milestones in a student’s academic career for it determines the opportunities along their educational path. In preparing for the exams, accumulating stress and pressure is inevitable. Hence, parents’ involvement in this process is indispensable as it will positively impact their children’s academic performance.

   Navigating the complexities of college entrance exams can be overwhelming to students and lead to anxiety and self-doubt. To ease these difficulties, parents must serve as a supporting pillar that gives emotional security and stability, offers inspiration and encouragement, and expresses unwavering belief in their child’s capabilities. Consistent emotional support instills confidence and motivation in students to persist despite rigorous processes. Moreover, implementing a conducive learning environment at home is important for children. With parents providing a peaceful study space and establishing a structured study routine balanced with studying and resting, they can help their children maintain their physical and mental health at best while preparing for college entrance exams.

   Going to greater lengths will always be helpful. Aside from already available resources, parents can go the extra mile in aiding for their children’s success such as purchasing more reference books, enrolling their children in review and tutorial programs, hiring a personal tutor, and many more. There are a lot of ways for parents to give additional support to their children’s preparation for college entrance exams, but making sure that they give the support that they need best is also crucial. That being said, parents must always advocate for their children– their needs, interests, and aspirations. In an academic world full of challenges and opportunities, parents must guarantee that their children receive the support they need so that they are well-equipped with abundant knowledge and skills to overcome boundaries toward academic success.

   Although students are the ones who should go through the college exam preparations, they don’t have to go through it alone. With proper guidance and exhaustive support from their parents, they will be able to efficiently prepare and pass their entrance exams– opening a door to a realm full of new things to discover and learn.

By: Shelsea Cruz

References :

Parental Role During Child’s Board Exam. (n.d.). Growth Centre (I) PVT. LTD. Retrieved from https://www.growthcentre.org/parental-role-during-childs-board-exam/

Wood, M. (2023, May 8). 8 tips to support your child during exam season. PMT.Education. Retrieved from https://www.pmt.education/blog/parents/support-child-during-exam-season/