
By: Kathrina F. Villaran

A new school year has started again. For some of us, it may seem tiresome or challenging. But for one of

our regular tutees, Diego, it seems like it’s another year of fun adventure. Here is one scene between

Diego and his tutor (non-verbatim):

Tutor: Hi, Diego!

Diego: Hi, Teacher! You know I am in Grade 3 now. Before when I was doing homework, I always

ask “Teacher, teacher, how do you do this?”. But, now, I can do it on my own, because I am in

Grade 3 now.

The rest of the session went on with him being so proud that he is bigger and a grade level higher, and

that he can mostly do a lot of things on his own. The feeling of accomplishment radiates from him that

we, in the center, cannot help but smile and be proud of him as well.

Cheers to another great school year for all of us!

AHEAD’s one-on-one and small-group tutorial programs ensure that students get undivided attention and care. Students are assigned tutors who match their personality and requirements. With the right support, children become all that they can possibly be. Children who do well in their studies are happy to be ahead, not just in school, but in life.

For more details on our tutorial services, please click here.