
Every class is composed of different individuals with distinct and unique personalities that when mixed together, creates a dynamic setting for learning. Once in a while, having so many characters in one place can be problematic; but admit it or not, a classroom will just not be complete without these favorite classmates of ours.

  • cheerleader-aheadThe Cheerleader

If there’s a jock, then surely there’s a cheerleader too. They are typically the ones all guys want, and all girls are jealous of. You just don’t get how they can stay pretty the whole day, every single day. The essentials of their bag always include a lip gloss, nail file, face powder and perfume. Where do they even keep their notebooks and pens?


  • bully-aheadThe Bully

These are the tough looking people in class who love to make fun of everyone for anything that they can pick on. Most people try their best not to be on their bad side as consequences would probably include ridicule and humiliation. Although they may seem mean and heartless, most bullies just sometimes crave for attention. Like everyone else, they still want friends and they know their limits when it comes to teasing and joking around.

  • smarts-aheadThe Smarts

Find the ones with the biggest, heaviest backpacks and you’ve got the smarts. These people are focused on their academics and always have the requirements for tomorrow ready…and maybe even those due next week. Their tables are always packed with books, notebooks, pens, rulers, calculators, and the list goes on. Aside from this, the high-achievers are also ready to step up as leaders and help anyone who’s struggling to understand the lesson.

Click here for part 1.