
Every class is composed of different individuals with distinct and unique personalities that when mixed together, creates a dynamic setting for learning. Once in a while, having so many characters in one place can be problematic; but admit it or not, a classroom will just not be complete without these favorite classmates of ours.

  • classroomThe Teacher’s Pet

Remember that classmate who always seems to the teacher’s favorite model student? Yes, the one who can always be seen beside the front table or outside running errands for them! The teacher’s pet is always present as the all-around assistant and subtle slave of the teacher. No worries; they seem to be enjoying it anyway. Besides, they get their own perks, and are always happy to substitute when the professors are not around.

  • classroomThe Silent Sensei

The one who stays quiet unless it’s really necessary for them to talk. You don’t notice them too much, and you’re startled every time you do. To be honest, everyone else is secretly afraid of them because of their mysterious vibe that you can’t just quite get.


  • classroomThe Neat Freak

These ones come alive during cleaning hour. They sweep, brush, and swipe like there’s no tomorrow. These are the worst nightmares for those lazy to help out in the classroom chores. The neat freaks will not hesitate to call out on you or hand you a mop at the most random times


  • snooze-aheadThe Snooze Master

Zzzzzzzzzz…These are the masters of sleeping and not getting caught in class. They know all the techniques from covering their faces with a book to staying out of the teachers’ views. They can even go as far as “sleeping” with their eyes open. People sometimes wonder how much sleep they actually get in a day and how they can always get away with having quick snoozes.


These, plus many more are what makes a class so special and one of a kind. It may be hard to deal with one group filled with so much individuals of different personalities, but it surely does make it interesting. Whether you’re one or a mix of some of these class stereotypes, the fact is that you contribute to the diversity that makes school life an unforgettable experience. The classroom, with all your classmates, is not only built for learning, but also for interactions and building life-long friendships that would last far beyond your academic years.

Click here to view part 1 and  part 2